drcom clinches the 2021 IQVIA Marketing Agency Partner of the Year Award!

To our Clients & Partners: THANK YOU!


drcom, a leading digital agency in customer engagements with storytelling expertise in the life sciences industry, formally announces that they have won the 2021 IQVIA Marketing Agency Partner of the Year Award!

This award is presented annually to IQVIA partners who:

  • Consistently contribute to client’s success
  • Drive digital transformation
  • Provide innovative solutions
  • Deliver superior implementation and support services

Furthermore, we were the only 4 out of 200+ agencies globally to receive the award this year!

“The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more”

Jonas salk


While we’re jubilant and constantly given more challenges by our clients, our devotion to enhance your brand and customer engagements still stands — to stand-out from the noise and empower conversations!

Once again, we would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to our clients and partners because without you, this wouldn’t have been possible!

For any enquiries, please kindly drop us an email: michael.phee[at]drcomgroup.com

for further contact.